Monday, December 28, 2009


For someone who hasn't yet made any real attempt to get it, it's seem hard to view this topic from their perspectives. Anyway, love is a very interesting topic to be discussed.Some people say it's suck but there are  peoples always say it greats. It depends on how their fate end in love.

          Me, I don't know much bout it. Seem that I haven't found my lady/ies yet. Once I failed but most of times after that, I keep rejecting  the love I got. It is really hard for me to make the decision. But, I love my life as a single right now. Perhaps, someday, I 'll end up like most people did. Getting married and having a family But not now, later!!

         I'm quite a traveler, moving from place to place as my career demands, I like to watch the acts of surrounding people I ever see. Love comes in any looks it could. Big, small, thin, fat, weak, strong, ugly, and even..... well, I like to mention it orange. Whatever.... Peoples always crazy bout this, as long as they like it and they hit the handsomely response, they don't care anymore bout look. Always heart is the best sign of divine love. But, there are several of them only judge their outcomes of the love. Some of the reason;
         " He has good career,  I would not have to worry about my earning and will be having a luxurious life if I marrying him.", or,
         " She's damn beautiful!! I'll be really proud to be her husband. My friends will get jealous with me." or,
         " I need a child, and she will fulfill my will. So I'm agree for this marriage".

         Sincere is also a part of love. However, not many people realized it. And the most important is, the  God blessing. God is The One we should love most. Without God love, we will never make it and  without God we will never been created...............

          Hey, I really have no idea to write. besides there's no response to my blogs. Maybe my english is  suck. I do hate to speak in english. It is not my mother tounge language. But, I'll be writing to improve it... Next!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flying Fish

Well, as a sailing electrical engineer, I really wish to see a whale, dolphine, mermaid, giant squid, giant shrimp or any sea monster during the voyage.

Maybe the luck still not with me untill now. However, I met this unique fish severals time while sailing. This unmonster type creature actually is a common phenomena amongst seafarers. I met this fish whenever the vessel is about a day left to reach the Bintulu port, Malaysia. (Other times: don't know, how many time I had a chance to work on the deck
during the voyages?)

About this fish, I only see a small one, perhaps as the size of normal mackerel. When viewing it from the deck, it just as small as an adult grasshopper. They also fly like a grasshopper. I never saw this fish floating in the air like a swallow. However, the appearance of this fish attract most of the seagull. Quite a lunch there. I wish to eat them also, since I've been wondering about the taste of fried flying fish. Anyway, flying fish is still extra-ordinary, just think, amongst of fish species only them had the ability to fly on themselves. As for human, we fly by the support of devices. They're amazing, right? It's God power..... Subhanallah.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Polianthes Tuberosa

My very first post is about this special flower.....(Alamak lecehnya nak berbahasa omputih ni kan...) Anyway, aku memang suka cakap rojak. Kemunculan post ni bukan la sebab aku peminat bunga ataupun mat bunga. Cumanya bunga ni ada di laman rumah aku, and I'm a fragrance lover. Ntahle, tiba2 sejak aku 4th year kat U, aku tetiba minat dgn benda2 wangi, apa2 ajer, sabun, perfume, buah, dan kad2 yg berbau wangi...

About this flower, some people here panggil "bunga harum malam" atau "sundal malam". Nama yg org melayu bagi "bunga harum sundal malam". Siannye bunga yg cantik dan wangi macam ni boleh jadi sundal pulak yer... Whatever. Pokoknya berumpun cam pokok lili, nak bunga punya la susah. Boleh count la dgn jari tangan, in a year how many times it blooms... But, kalau tanam secara berbatas (untuk ladang komersil) maybe pokok ni lagi produktif.

Uniknya bau dia yg memang wangi gila tu mula merebak time magrib... Sebab tu org taruk nama harum malam agaknya. Tapi yg masih menjadi tanda tanya tu "sundal" tu datang dari mana pulak? Ada sekali tu pokok ni berbunga time raya, so da menarik perhatian ramai makcik2 or auntie2 yg bertandang ke rumah aku. Bila sebut jer nama dia, ada juga yg tanya "apsal tanam bunga ni kat laman?" and ada yg kata "seram....".

Congratulation to PHSM sebab berjaya rising up this flower name. Ntah2 sebab nengok filem tu kot, orang takut ngan bau dia. Filem je kan, jgn la ingat bunga ni berhantu pulak. But for me, the most important, ia memang wangi... That's all for this post.