Monday, July 19, 2010


Hello... Owh! It's quiet... Yeah, looking for viewer... But, never mind, maybe my blog really damn boring. Just back from 15 days courses. Quite a long period I've left my office. Ok, I'm about becoming lazy on the updates due to cold response. For this post, I just wanna share my relaxing moment. I love this theme, but had so few photos in my collection.

             I like to watch a group of fish swimming in the clear water. It raise  my calmness. My mom once said, watching out a group of fish swimming is a kind of heart therapy... Really? I prefer not to questionate her back. It will be such a lecture after that. Hahaha! These are Japanese carp. They come in a variety of colour. But for me, I prefer the white carp. It looks innocent. Yeah, quite a touching moment whenever watching them moving in a circle...