Monday, April 19, 2010

Tiny & Amazing

Hi! Sorry for the late update. I thought this gonna last for a few more weeks. But I love my page (even though it is truly basic). For this post, also I'm not gonna explain (bla! bla! bla!) much. Because, the picture can describe even more than words. Yeah... I'm not lazy, guys. I just didn't have much time for now. Right now, I'm at my hometown for a short break. I'm really stress now with my longtime unsolved problems.  May  all of you wish me for the best. This ant above and other photos below is not my masterpiece, some friend shared it with me. And I shared it with you. 
          It looks different when we view this grasshopper asa near as we could. See, It not just plain green colour, but it comes with its own motif. Can you spot the small dots?  
This one is really special, those view was made of grains and vegetables. How amazing when this structures can end up as a beautiful scenery. Mostly like hobbit shire....Hmm...
I could say that the moth in this photo was so similar to a fuzzy haired bull. Ha! ha! We can't see that when we only view it with normal sightseeing. That is why the magnifying glass came.
This is the last photo I can share. The small water drops on this dragonfly are really  impressive. I had more photos like this to share, but I don't have much time here. Oh, problems are so damn troublesome. What a hard times I've been through. But, we did learn a lot from problems. I hope, I can enjoy this vacation till the end. I'm not running away from problems or from KL, but I need to retreat first to get stronger, to think smarter and to get calmer. Watch out you 'problems'!! I'll be back to kick your butt!

Monday, April 5, 2010

About Green

Haluu... Well, is it really gonna work this time ?..... No, I'm not talking bout this photo, I'm talking bout this blog. Suddenly, after finished renovating my blog template, I can't even login. I don't know what kind of problem occured last time. Damn it!!

Ok, enough of that. In this post I just want to share this picture with my readers. I love greenery like this. Oh, I really missed this fresh moment. But now, stay in the city make me sick. All I see is just a sunrise (OK...fine with that, at least), then sunset (love to see the color of sunset), the environment of stone forest and the overflow black river (This is suck!). This was damn boring.

I won't write too long in this post. Don't anyone dare to say I'm lazy! Note that, I just want to share this photo. Later, when I get an interesting material, I'll be back with the writing. Maybe, I'm gonna edit my blog layout again after this. This layout seem so normal. Bye.